"A wonderful space for children to learn and grow in a family atmosphere"

Good News and Good Works

Celebrating our GOOD WORK AND Successes
Harvest Celebration - October 2023

A big thank you for the many donations of tinned food and packets of dried food for the Aylesbury Vineyard Storehouse community food bank for distribution to families and those in need in our local community.

Thank you for your support of this good cause. 








Macmillan Fundraising Event - September 2023

A big thank you to everyone for supporting our 2023 Macmillan Coffee Morning and Cake Sale event.  

We raised £469 in donations for Macmillan Cancer Support.  Well done.

12th Aylesbury Brownies - Autumn Gardening  

12th Aylesbury Brownies meet in school each week.  The leaders have prepared and fertilised the bed outside Class 2S and the group have donated plants to enhance our school environment.  The girls will maintain this and some other areas as part of their community support. 

Thank you for helping us to improve our school grounds. 


Children dressed in Red, White and Blue on 5th May 2023 and learned about what happens at a Coronation. They took part in fun activities on our celebration day.



Youth Sport Trust Bronze Quality Mark Award

We have recently been awarded the Youth Sport Trust Bronze Quality Mark Award.

The Bronze Quality Mark has been awarded to St Joseph's by the Youth Sport Trust for our participation in a number of clubs, sports and activities.

This Bronze Award reflects our efforts in using PE and school sport to raise achievement across the school by working towards our whole school Vision for PE and Sports.  Our Year 2 Play Leaders proudly accepted our Award from Mrs Fox.